Friday, July 16, 2010

Groin pull? On a girl? Is it possible?

Why yes it is, in case you're wondering. How do I know this you may ask. Well, it's because is happened to me and I'm a girl. What a lucky person I am. It happened yesterday (Wednesday the 14). How did it happen? Well, thanks to Jillian Michaels I was doing pliƩ [plee-AY] jumps and I guess I squatted down too far and I pulled the muscle. How great because I'm going to Disneyland on Saturday and Comic Con is next week. So anyways, I'm sitting here with a heating pad and I kinda feel weird, like I'm getting shocked, but it's a very light sensation.

P.S. I don't really feel pain anymore because of the painkillers and muscle relaxers, but it really hurt at first.


  1. I'm sorry Rachel, but this post made me laugh, LOL. I am glad that the pain has lessened. I gotta try this jumps you speak of.

  2. Don't worry about laughing, it wasn't supposed to be completely serious. I'm just trying to document interesting things in my boring life, but sometimes I forget, this time I remembered though. You should try these jumps, but be careful and don't bend too far down.

  3. I'll try after Comic-con just in case. I might pull a muscle and break some bone knowing me, lol.

  4. Well, I've been doing that video for about a week and a half and at first I was trying to take it slow and do the easy modifications. Then on Wednesday I was thinking that it was starting to get easier and that I should push myself a little more. Wrong move. I pushed too hard on something that I shouldn't have. Plus Jillian doesn't stretch all the necessary muscles. So if you try it, you probably won't hurt yourself. Just go slow.
