Friday, February 27, 2009

Wow, it's been a while

Well, sorry it's been so long. What has it been, over two weeks? Wow. Well, I wasn't posting anything at first because my life is so boring that I had absolutely nothing to say, I didn't want to be that boring and just talk about nothing, plus I had no ideas, no starting points in mind that I could use to get started and then branch out into other random things. Well, needless to say, after a while I was getting ideas from other people and myself, but then I didn't have anytime to post. I had so much school stuff going on I barely had time to check my email, and I love to check my email. That is so typical, when I had time, I had nothing to say, and when I had something to say, I had no time. So, let's see if I can remember everything I had to say.

I entered the JAGK Yourself Contest on I'll post my submission for you guys to see since no one can steal it now because the deadline was today. Here it is (click to see it bigger):


I wanted to do something really good because I really want to win. On Valentine's Day I made the JAGK cupcakes. Then I thought of other ideas for clothes. My mom helped me and without her, I don't think I would have gotten it done. Oh, and last weekend I went to a one year old birthday party and I'm so glad I did because there was a clown painting faces and she was cool and painted my face, it looked so awesome. Her name was Penleope, Thanks so much!! Oh yeah, thanks ILJR for letting me use Paint Shop Pro to make the collage.

Aww man, now I forgot what else I was going to talk about. Hmm, I got my hair cut last weekend. I stayed up supper late last night studying for my Chemistry midterm and finishing the stuff for the JAGK contest so when I got home I ate and then after a while I fell asleep for like four hours, that was great. I'm watching Jeopardy right now. I watched the Lakers last night, not really, my grandpa was watching, I was just listening to their win. They are playing tonight but we can't watch it because we don't get that channel, that is so dumb, they should always play Laker games. Frick, I just lost. I can't think of anything else....I made a St. Patrick's Day meez, it's on the side bar at the top ---->. Ow, there is a really loud high pitched noise in my ear right now. Ok, now it's gone, what the heck. Ok, this is getting really ridiculous, I should stop, I'll save my Cricket Conspiracy theory for next time, which will either be next weekend, or Spring break, or after I take my finals which is in about two and a half weeks.

Oh, I just remembered some stuff. How could I forget, this was important stuff, well for me anyways. Two things/topics. Number 1: Umbrella Academy Dallas Suite issue number 4 came out on Wednesday. This was a weird one, I didn't really get it, and then it had this huge cliff hanger at the end. It didn't suck, it was just not my favorite. Number 2: Paramore is going on tour with No Doubt. That's like the dream tour, it's gonna be so awesome, and in my personal opinnion, they should call it The Girls That Kick A** Tour (And The Guys Kick A** Too). They just announced the dates on Wednesday, I'm so excited. Well, that's it for now, I'm glad I finally thought of something of substance.

Random Rachel

1 comment:

  1. Yay, an update. That was entertaining. Dang you, finals. Aw, I just lost the game.
