Saturday, February 7, 2009

Well Guess What!!

Life is wonderful isn't it. Rainbows, flowers, butterflies and cute little animals. Everyone is happy all the time and you always get what you want. Right? F-ING WRONG!! (<--That just reminded me of Christian Bale) I was all excited to get a new dvd recorder. I've been waiting for months. I was originally going to wait until my birthday, but my DVR is about to explode, so I made a deal with my mom that we would put our gift cards together and go get one at Best Buy. Well, you'll never guess what happened to us. We were in a rush yesterday, pretty much running through a bunch of stores, so when we got to Best Buy and found the model that I picked out on line we grabbed it and ran to the line. It's not until we got home and opened the freaking box a few hours later that we realized it was one that had been returned and it didn't come with a remote or an owner's manual. What the frick?!?! Why would you sell it with out an instruction manual. And then I noticed, I don't know how I didn't notice before, that there was no place to put tapes so they can automatically (or whatever) copy to dvd without having to input a VCR. So now, we were gonna go to Best Buy and trade it for the model that has a place to put the tapes but luckily my mom called and they said they were having a sale and that model is GONE!! They don't have any more in any of the locations by my house. Mother of the Lord!! They said they could help us order it, but it's going to take about 6 days to arrive. I don't have that kind of time. My DVR is 96% full. Now I have to watch stuff so I can delete. What a day. I slept most of the day anyways and to top it all of my hair looks like complete crap, I hate it more than usual. On a brighter note, I still haven't heard my neighbor sing, maybe I slept through it. This blog pretty much reminded me of Christian Bale when he yelled at that one guy. I just found out from another blog that he said F 37 times in 3 minutes and 45 seconds. Put that in your pipe and smoke it Michael Phelps.


  1. Oh wow, that sucks. What do you mean by a place to put a tape - wouldn't that be one of those combo ones? Can't you just play the tape on your TV and then press record on the DVD recorder?

    Wow, 37 F bombs in 3 min and 45 seconds - that's gotta be a record, LOL (ok maybe not but that's funny). Reminds me of Mrs. Y and "okay".

    LOL at Michael Phelps!

  2. Lmfao, so i didnt realize mr bale was shouting obscenities at me, until i plugged in my headphones! Well this is what the first line of your post reminded me of...Free association is great thing lol
    and for extra coolness
    here it is in french! lol

  3. LOL!! Those videos were funny, I've never even seen Horton Hears A Who, maybe I'll watch it someday.
