Friday, February 27, 2009

Wow, it's been a while

Well, sorry it's been so long. What has it been, over two weeks? Wow. Well, I wasn't posting anything at first because my life is so boring that I had absolutely nothing to say, I didn't want to be that boring and just talk about nothing, plus I had no ideas, no starting points in mind that I could use to get started and then branch out into other random things. Well, needless to say, after a while I was getting ideas from other people and myself, but then I didn't have anytime to post. I had so much school stuff going on I barely had time to check my email, and I love to check my email. That is so typical, when I had time, I had nothing to say, and when I had something to say, I had no time. So, let's see if I can remember everything I had to say.

I entered the JAGK Yourself Contest on I'll post my submission for you guys to see since no one can steal it now because the deadline was today. Here it is (click to see it bigger):


I wanted to do something really good because I really want to win. On Valentine's Day I made the JAGK cupcakes. Then I thought of other ideas for clothes. My mom helped me and without her, I don't think I would have gotten it done. Oh, and last weekend I went to a one year old birthday party and I'm so glad I did because there was a clown painting faces and she was cool and painted my face, it looked so awesome. Her name was Penleope, Thanks so much!! Oh yeah, thanks ILJR for letting me use Paint Shop Pro to make the collage.

Aww man, now I forgot what else I was going to talk about. Hmm, I got my hair cut last weekend. I stayed up supper late last night studying for my Chemistry midterm and finishing the stuff for the JAGK contest so when I got home I ate and then after a while I fell asleep for like four hours, that was great. I'm watching Jeopardy right now. I watched the Lakers last night, not really, my grandpa was watching, I was just listening to their win. They are playing tonight but we can't watch it because we don't get that channel, that is so dumb, they should always play Laker games. Frick, I just lost. I can't think of anything else....I made a St. Patrick's Day meez, it's on the side bar at the top ---->. Ow, there is a really loud high pitched noise in my ear right now. Ok, now it's gone, what the heck. Ok, this is getting really ridiculous, I should stop, I'll save my Cricket Conspiracy theory for next time, which will either be next weekend, or Spring break, or after I take my finals which is in about two and a half weeks.

Oh, I just remembered some stuff. How could I forget, this was important stuff, well for me anyways. Two things/topics. Number 1: Umbrella Academy Dallas Suite issue number 4 came out on Wednesday. This was a weird one, I didn't really get it, and then it had this huge cliff hanger at the end. It didn't suck, it was just not my favorite. Number 2: Paramore is going on tour with No Doubt. That's like the dream tour, it's gonna be so awesome, and in my personal opinnion, they should call it The Girls That Kick A** Tour (And The Guys Kick A** Too). They just announced the dates on Wednesday, I'm so excited. Well, that's it for now, I'm glad I finally thought of something of substance.

Random Rachel

Monday, February 9, 2009

Computers Can Be Such Butt Faces

I was chatting with Dell Connect services this weekend to try to fix my computer because it likes to shut down on me just out of nowhere for no good reason just random and out of the blue. They are very helpful and nice people by the way, so if you need help and have a Dell, you should definitely contact them. Anyways the best advice they could give me after looking at my computer was to restore the system to the factory defaults. But, in order to do that I have to back up my files. And I've been trying to back up my files but there is just one little problem that keeps getting in my way, my computer likes to shut down in the middle of backups. It has frustrated me to no end today. Before I left for school I started the back up, hoping it would be done by the time I got home. Well, guess what I found. My computer had turned off again. It has already turned off at least three times in the last two hours. All I can say is, as soon as the back up finishes, good bye computer, you're gonna go back to day one, sucker.

Oh and an update to my last post: Blink 182 announced their reunification at the Grammys last night. Here's a link to an article that talks about Blink 182 at the Grammys: I'm so excited for their return. And to follow up on my post about Kyle XY, here is a link my friend gave me that gives information about what you can do to help save Kyle XY, in case anyone reads this besides ILJR:

Random Rachel

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Injuries and Blink 182 is back!!

I'm taking a break from my stupid paper to write this blog. I need to finish tonight so I hope to make this quick. I gave myself two thumb injuries today. I ripped the skin on my left thumb, but it's really hard to see it so I didn't take a picture. When I was in my mom's truck today, I don't remember if I leaned over to grab something or if I was putting something down, but I cut my thumb on the cup holder. Don't ask me how I cut it on the cup holder but it hurt so bad I screamed and it sounded like an animal noise. I would post the sound, but I forgot how I made that sound so I can't recreate it. But then it started bleeding so I had to take pictures as soon as I got home. Here are the pictures:


My second topic today is Blink 182. I've been waiting for this day to come for I don't know how long. I was upset when they broke up because I liked their joke songs and I thought that their last record was pretty good too because it kinda showed their serious side. Well guess what, I just had this idea to go to today. I don't know why, but I just did. They had a note that pretty much means they are back together. I've been hoping this day would come soon and it finally did. Go to and click on "Our Message" for more information. Yay, they're back!!

Oh yeah, Green Day is going to be at the Grammys to present and award. I don't feel like watching the whole awards show just for that though. I'll find a way to watch them.

Random Rachel

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Well Guess What!!

Life is wonderful isn't it. Rainbows, flowers, butterflies and cute little animals. Everyone is happy all the time and you always get what you want. Right? F-ING WRONG!! (<--That just reminded me of Christian Bale) I was all excited to get a new dvd recorder. I've been waiting for months. I was originally going to wait until my birthday, but my DVR is about to explode, so I made a deal with my mom that we would put our gift cards together and go get one at Best Buy. Well, you'll never guess what happened to us. We were in a rush yesterday, pretty much running through a bunch of stores, so when we got to Best Buy and found the model that I picked out on line we grabbed it and ran to the line. It's not until we got home and opened the freaking box a few hours later that we realized it was one that had been returned and it didn't come with a remote or an owner's manual. What the frick?!?! Why would you sell it with out an instruction manual. And then I noticed, I don't know how I didn't notice before, that there was no place to put tapes so they can automatically (or whatever) copy to dvd without having to input a VCR. So now, we were gonna go to Best Buy and trade it for the model that has a place to put the tapes but luckily my mom called and they said they were having a sale and that model is GONE!! They don't have any more in any of the locations by my house. Mother of the Lord!! They said they could help us order it, but it's going to take about 6 days to arrive. I don't have that kind of time. My DVR is 96% full. Now I have to watch stuff so I can delete. What a day. I slept most of the day anyways and to top it all of my hair looks like complete crap, I hate it more than usual. On a brighter note, I still haven't heard my neighbor sing, maybe I slept through it. This blog pretty much reminded me of Christian Bale when he yelled at that one guy. I just found out from another blog that he said F 37 times in 3 minutes and 45 seconds. Put that in your pipe and smoke it Michael Phelps.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Horses Should Stay On Farms And Kyle XY Should Stay On TV

Well, not literally, but I'm sick of hearing that song Pony covered by Far. I'm not saying horses should only be kept on farms, they should be free to roam around the world, I'm just saying Ponies (as in the song Pony) should stay off the airwaves. On a more serious note, I think ABC Family is making a huge mistake by canceling Kyle XY at then end of this season. It is a great show, with good characters and a captivating plot line. I have enjoyed this show ever since my best friend told me about it after she watched the series premiere. I have enjoyed watching it with her as well as others. The actors seem like such great people (especially Matt Dallas and Jaimie Alexander who were very nice at the Comic Con) and they do a great job on the show. When you watch the show, you can tell that everyone involved is giving their best effort. Which brings me to my next point of discussion. I highly dislike and am disgusted by mainstream America. Sure they have discovered great things, none that I can think of at the moment, but what about all of the talent that has gone to waste. Most of the things that I enjoy are not classified as "great" by the standards of mainstream America, and I find these things to have a lot of talent. Oh no, they give the fame and glory to people who I find to have no talent or at least less talent than the things I enjoy (I am not being specific because I don't want to offend any of these peoples fans, and I'm sure these fans are quite passionate). I have determined that I have given up on mainstream America and their sad attempts.

Oh, by the way, I haven't heard my neighbor singing today, it's probably because it's raining. It should rain everyday. Oh yeah, and, I find snails and slugs to be very weird. What is their purpose? They just look gross to me.

In conclusion, Ponies should stay off the air, Kyle should stay on the air and snails are weird. Go listen to the Christian Bale Remix!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Post Number 1 - In the Beginning

I got a strange new idea today. This is what came into my head, "you should make a blog so that ten years from now you can see how stupid you were." Yep, that's what some voice said to me. So, this is mostly gonna be random stuff that comes through my head, like today, that girl that is my neighbor on the northeast side of my house was singing again. I think she should shut her window, not to be mean or anything. And now Heat of the Moment is stuck in my head because I just watched a Supernatural video even though I should be reading for psychology. And now I'll end with a warning and a video:

The posts to come will probably be really stupid, if you don't like it, spare me your insults and don't read it.

A Christian Bale remix I learned about on the 91x morning show:

Here's the URL: It has a link to download the remix if you like it.

P.S. I need to come up with something good to sign my posts with.