So, I've said that I was going to talk about this months ago, so now, I will finally talk about the Cricket Conspiracy. Ok, so the first thing you have to know is, I don't like bugs, especially spiders. But last year around my birthday party, which was in April, it was really hot, so we had to keep all of the doors open so we didn't die of heat in the house. Because of that, a crap load of bugs came in to my house, the most memorable ones being the moths and, you guessed it, the crickets. There were some huge moths in my room for a few weeks, let me tell you, they were gross looking and very huge. But, at least they went away after a few weeks(maybe because they died in the heat), the crickets on the other hand, decided to stick around for a few months longer. These damn crickets conspired against me for months just to torment me. I would go in the shower at night, and when I would come out, there would be a cricket, just sitting there waiting for me. So, many times I would go from the shower to the toilet, and I would literally get dressed standing on the toilet, and if I had to, I would climb onto the counter if I had to put stuff on my face in the mirror. By then if I hadn't screamed or been rescued, I would have to talk myself into jumping off the counter so I could run straight to my room and jump onto my bed. Those little piece of crap crickets had me so paranoid in my own house, it was ridiculous. I had to thoroughly examine the floor so I could walk through the house or into a room. I would literally search my house for these things. The reason I would scream sometimes is because I would see one when I wasn't expecting it or when they would jump close to me. If I was searching for them to make sure the coast was clear, I wouldn't scream, only if they did something unexpected.
Another reason why it was a conspiracy is because it seemed like they would wait for me to go in the shower, right when everyone in my house was starting to fall asleep, and hop right under the bathroom door, to wait for me to get out of the shower. And now matter how many we got rid of (by throwing them outside, unless they decided to be in the shower, then they went down the drain), they always seemed to be around the house. What's worse is that when I would go dog sit for my aunt and uncle, there would be crickets there too. It's like they knew I was leaving my house, so they called in the troops to follow me to my uncle's house. Don't you see how they were out to get me?
Well, there is one piece of good news, I haven't seen a cricket in my house for at least a month or two. I really hope it stays that way, I'm praying for it.
**Breaking News!!(at least for me)**
OMG OMG OMG OMG, I just heard that The Matches are going on a hiatus. They don't know when or if they will get back together again. So, I'm a few days late, it still injures my soul. I loved that band. They were so unique and had such a great sound. I'm really gonna miss them. I'm especially upset because I won't be able to see their last Southern California concert. My life will never be the same without them and I hope they decide to get back together soon. They are all such great people, I've met Shawn, Jon, and Dylan, and they were all so nice. I wish them luck in whatever they decided to do as individuals, but maybe not too much so they will realize that they need to come back to be The Matches. *goes and cries*
**Update** as soon as I posted this, there was an advertisement on the next page and it looked like this:

Ironic, right?
I don't think that ad is a coincidence - I believe all blogs and forums work that way. Advertisements pop up that are associated with the posts. At least that is what happens on any forum that I visit.
ReplyDeleteYeah, but not really. Look at the ad that is at the top of this page, very unrelated. Plus, there isn't always an ad when I post something.
ReplyDeleteI think it depends on the web browser because it's not showing me an ad right now. And it also depends on how much the particular subject is stated again, because I've noticed that on forums/blogs, the ads do not always show up, only when a certain word is used many times.