My Lakers inspired nails (I actually did this during the finals):
The Father's Day card I sent to my dad:
What it said on the inside of the card:
Lemon tarts, I got the recipe from Paula Deen:
Red Velvet Cupcakes, recipe also from Paula Deen:
**Disclaimer: This is merely for the purposes of my own entertainment. There probably won't be too many readers, nor do I expect there to be. If you do not agree with my thoughts than you can just stop reading. This is not intended to be anything of substance; there will probably be no real thought process and no real informative news, however, from time to time, I may post something useful or informational. As stated above, I'm not here to be anything to anyone in particular, so if you don't like my blog, don't read it.
I already told you that I think the nails are awesome. And the cupcakes were so good. I think we still have a lemon one left...I should go eat that now!