I'm sorry, but I
have to talk about it....the Lakers that is. I've been watching the Lakers Championship celebration on FSN which will be replayed pretty much all day today. Well, I was watching it all morning with my grandpa, and it was so exciting. I've been a Lakers fan since I was a small child (I'll have to get my mom to dig up a picture), and some years I didn't pay too much attention to the Lakers, but there have been other years that I watched a bunch of games (I lost). This was definitely one of those years. Ever since my grandpa told me the Lakers were on a winning streak starting from the beginning of the season, I knew they would be the Champions. I didn't see most of those games at the very beginning of the winning streak, but it was nice to hear about it from my grandpa. After awhile I got sucked in again and I was watching pretty much every game I had a chance to watch. There were some great games I watched, and a few I had the misfortune to miss. There was the win against Boston on Christmas; a sweet revenge (like MCR) game since the Lakers had lost to them in last year's NBA Championship. So much greatness has come out of this season. All of the Lakers have really grown as a team, and individually. Phil Jackson won his 1000 game (it was the win on Christmas actually). {Even though LeBron James won the MVP award, I knew Kobe was the REAL MVP, and he proved by wining it in the Finals (I'm sure many other people shared my opinion). Injuries and other adversities aside, the Lakers still went 65 and 17 and went on to win the Championship.
I'm just gonna give some general comments about the series that led up to the Finals. The first series against the Utah Jazz, was a little exciting but not too much of a challenge with the Lakers wining 4-1. The next series against the Rockets was so intense and both teams were playing very physical. There were times when it was looking pretty scary, but I knew they would take it, even if it had to go down to game 7 with the Lakers winning 4-3. There were a lot of critics after that series say the Lakers weren't playing hard enough, and saying that they weren't gonna root for the Lakers anymore. The next series was just as intense against the Nuggets. It was another physical series, although, not quite as much as the last, and there were some GREAT steals from Ariza, a key player in my novice opinion for this series and the next. In the end the Lakers won the Western Conference Finals 4-2. At first glance the NBA Finals looked to be the biggest challenge yet; the Magic had just won the series against the Cavaliers 4-2 and had previously beat the Celtics on a difficult 4-3 series and I have to admit, my whole household was rooting for the Magic to win the Eastern Conference, but as soon as the won the Eastern Conference Title, I knew they had just become the enemy. They were confident and had beat two tremendous teams, first the Celtics, who were last years champions, and the Cavaliers, who had won 8 playoff games in a row prior the series with the Magic. The Finals series was no easy task. It was aparent that both teams were not going down with out a fight (with the exception of game 1 because I missed it *sad face*). I thought it would come down to game 7, or at least game 6 for sure, but no, the Lakers won it in 5. It was a very bittersweet day. Sweet because the Lakers finally had done what they had vowed to do when they lost the Finals last year, and in doing so winning their 15th championship title out of 30. It was a great and exciting game. But here comes the bitter part, no more basketball for at least 4 months. It was such a fun and exciting season. There was a huge build up of emotions starting from the beginning of the season, but most especially from the beginning of the playoffs. Every playoff moment was exciting and these exciting times were built up all the way until the last second of game 5 of the Finals. It was then that we were drop kicked from this exciting season. I will be waiting anxiously for the 2009-10 NBA season because nothing is as exciting as a great basketball season followed by a phenomenal playoff season (well, maybe there is, but not that I can think of at the moment.)
And I still don't know what a pick and roll is....
*P.S. Sorry if I missed anything good from Playoffs or the rest of the season, or if I recounted anything wrong*