Friday, March 13, 2009

The Snakes and Suits Tour [this is still in the process of editing, I'm not done writing it, even though it's super long]

And now my very first concert review. Actually, I think that word is a little inaccurate, it'll be more like a recap, well, maybe a hybrid of the two like a reviewcap, with more emphasis on the recap part because I pretty much only go to concerts that I like and to give a true review I would have to rate it and so forth, and it would be lame because everything would be five out of five. So, it will be like a recap with my comments and thoughts to go along with it. I hope it's not too boring, if you don't care about the concerts I go to, you should skip my recapviews (that's a working title, I'm open to suggestions, but who really reads this anyway).

Ok, so tonight I pretty much determined that William Beckett=The Academy Is... and by the commutative property, or something like that, or maybe it's the If and Only if thing I'm looking for, The Academy Is...=William Beckett. I kinda knew it all along but tonight confirmed that pretty much he is the band. Not to say that he is snobby and stuck up about it, like, "oh I'm the singer and I'm the best so I get to be an a****** to everyone because I'm so full of myself." He's pretty cool about it, but he only brought out one member of his band for two songs, which I thought was weird. They should have just announced the tour as William Beckett featuring Sisky Business, but I guess that goes to show that he's in it for the band, which I respect and think is very cool, because some singers get all cocky and think that they need to be the center of attention and start a solo career, which I think is really lame. They aren't solo, they're just with a different band, but they're being selfish and just putting their name on it, like they're the only ones that are playing. But if William Beckett went "solo" it would be really dumb because it would be the same thing as The Academy Is... since he writes most of the songs, it would just be different people, idk. I do have to say that he has an amazing voice and is a very talented person, especially because I've never seen him play the guitar so much. He looked pretty good too, so did Sisky and William kept smiling and laughing and kinda making eyes at people without really meaning it. Ok, enough of my digressions, here's the set list:

1. I don't know what the first song was, it was something short that wasn't an Academy Is song, and I didn't have time to record it so I could figure it out later.

2. Classifieds (It was pretty fun, it's one of my favorites by them.)

3. His Girl Friday (William started talking about the basis of why/how he wrote the song, he called it a history lesson. When he was in high school, guys, who he described as "bros" would make fun of him and call him a fag, but little did they know, he made out with all of their girlfriends behind their backs, but they still went back to their boyfriends. Fun song.)

4. A Cover song by Alkaline Trio (He talked about how he used to listen to the radio to discover new songs by bands like the Stone Temple Pilots, Nirvana, etc. but after awhile he realized it was "recycled garbage" by bands like Creed and some other band that I forgot, so he started listening to "punk rock" <--huge air quotes on that one. He listened to bands like Bright Eyes and Alkaline Trio. I thought he did a great job with the song, although I've never heard it before. I haven't heard too much from Alkaline Trio, it kinda deadened the mood though, because not too many people knew the words.)

5. Seed (Pretty good, brought the general mood and vibe back up since more people could sing along. He described it as a song about when you're in a relationship and it goes bad because of jealousy, etc.)

6. Attention (Great song, he introduced it by talking about how he used to work at the Gap, and he got over that real quick. He had to work in the morning and fold t-shirts and women with kids would walk in and ask him to sell them stuff. He said that at the time he was writing the record "Almost Here" and one day Adam came to his house and when William let him in, Adam looked him in the eye and asked him if he had been writing any songs, so William looked him in the eye and said, "Attention, Attention..[cue the rest of the song]")

7. The Test (William introduced his fellow band mate, Adam T. Siska, aka Sisky Business. Before Sisky came on stage William took a poll about who everyone thought was the best batman, Christian Bale won. Michael Keaton was a close second. Then William said that he thought Sisky should be the next Batman, so he was going to audition for us. They did the voices for the first scene of the Dark Knight, and I have to say, he really sounded like Christian Bale's Batman voice. Then Sisky played the harmonica while William continued to sing and play guitar for The Test. William described it as a break up song. Sisky left after this song.)

8. Jimmy Eat World Cover song (I think it's called A Sunday, I'll double check after I get some sleep. He brought Ben from This Providence and Evan Taubenfeld (I don't know who he is) up on stage to play with him. They said they had just learned the song the day before, which was pretty cool because it sounded great. William and Ben also mentioned that Jimmy Eat World was in their top three favorite bands.)

9. You Brought This On Yourself (Another cover song. William talked about his blog and how on Saturdays he does the Saturday Night Music Club and posts a song/video. This song was featured a few weeks back. Here's the link to his blog if you're interested:

10. Automaitic Eyes (William said that he mostly writes songs, I guess from his experience or his perspective, but this one was about another member of TAI who had a sudden break up.)

11. Down and out (He said he wrote it about his parent's relationship. It was great since most people knew the words.)

12. After The Last Midtown Show (He said it was the most romantic song he has ever written. It's about not taking the present, or whatever is happening in your life right now for granted. He mentioned that, especially when you're in school, people are always telling you that everything is leading up to something better, but he said something that really moved me, I guess is the best way to put it, not trying to sound sappy or anything. He said that we have to enjoy our lives right now. Pretty much what I thought about that was I'm wasting my life away. Like the Green Day song, I'm not growing up, I'm just burning out. I'm not having fun and life is passing me by and the saddest part is that I don't know how to change that.)

13. Slow Down (The complete opposite of the previous song. It's about wanting the person you break up with to "stop breathing in their sleep." <--He said that not me. Great song, one of my favorites. It reminded me about how during the summer, I listened to that song while everyone else was asleep in the house and I really wanted to get up and sing really loud, but I had to lay in my bed and quietly sing and dance laying down. I'm weird.)

14. About A Girl (Sisky came back for this song. When he first came back he started playing Superstition by Stevie Wonder and then William started singing along. Then Sisky started playing some other Stevie wonder song, I can't really remember which one. Which reminds me, at the end of one of the other songs, I don't remember which one, William said that something random came into his head. He described it as a weird roller rink song from the 90s, but now I can't remember what it was. Anyways, both of them played guitar for this song. I forgot what he said about the song, like if he gave background on it or anything, but he told us that there was another concert on another floor of the building and he wanted us to sing so loud it would shock the other people. Super fun song!! I had fun singing really loud and I think everyone else did too. It was very loud.)

After this song William and Sisky were signing at the merch table, but somehow I ended up at the end of the line. The girls I was standing behind kept looking at themselves in the mirror and fixing their makeup, I thought that was dumb. I bought the This Providence CD from Gavin, the guitarist. He was cool and he signed it for me. Then the people were telling us that we only had twenty minutes and to hurry up because the line was long and they probably couldn't get through everyone. Well, needless to say, they didn't because it was getting close to 11:00pm and they couldn't have minors in the facility and were telling everyone under 21 to leave. Damn you little girls that look way under 21. Then they made William leave, I guess they figured that the only way to get everyone to leave was by taking him away. I was so close, yet so far. Then we went outside and Sisky was still signing, but they had to take him away because they had to move their bus. So we went around the building and saw the bus, and we were just there stalking them. I'll post the pictures in a little bit.

Overall, it was a great night. I discovered This Providence. I kept wondering why they're name was so familiar. When I bought their CD, I realized they are on the record label as The Academy Is... and Paramore and whenever I sign into the street team page, I see their band name really huge on the side of the page. I thought they were pretty good, good enough for me to buy their CD. It was only $10, I figured I might as well if I liked them because at the store it store it would probably be more expensive. We missed most of Evan Taubenfeld though.

Ok, so I don't know if anyone will read this. I'm kinda too ADD to read things that are this long, but sometimes I do. Sorry it turned out so long, I'm mostly doing this because I want to remember this but there was no video recording, so I have to extract my memory and put it into words. It's kinda OCD, similar to the way I wrote everything down when I got my wisdom teeth taken out, yes I actually made notes.

Random Rachel

P.S. Supernatural was really good this week, so was Kyle. And, no more writing class for two weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Wasting my life away...that's the story of my existence. At least you get to go to concerts and have fun doing something you enjoy. I do nothing but rot away.
