And the rest of The Vampire Diaries cast. Yesterday I went to the Vampire Diaries meet and greet in LA. It was advertised as "meet the cast of The Vampire Diaries," so naturally you would assume the three main stars would automatically be there. Well, we got in line an hour before the meet and greet was supposed to start and then we found out that only Paul Wesley was gonna be there. The guy told us that Ian Somerhalder would be at the Q&A after the meet and greet but that Nina Dobrev wouldn't be able to make it because she was stuck on the east coast. I was a little upset about that, but at least we would be able to see Ian. The guy also told us that we would be able to take pictures of, but not with Paul. It ended up that he was lying because when we got to the front, they told us we couldn't take pictures. Well, after about 2 1/2 hours of waiting, we finally got into the store. Then they told us, the only thing he can sign is the poster they were giving us, that he couldn't personalize it, no pictures and no touching, not even a handshake. So, finally it was my turn and I can't even really remember everything that happens because when I meet famous people I kinda lose myself. Anyways, Paul was so nice!! He asked me my name and then said oh hi Rachel, how are you doing, thank you so much for coming. And the whole time he made full eye contact until I left. I still can't get over how nice he was. Oh, and I should mention that the girl that went before me got to shake his hand because he initiated it and she told him that she had been waiting for such a long time and he said, "well I hope it was worth." He is so nice, I'm so glad I waited in line for hours for somebody nice and not some mean bastard who doesn't even care about his fans. Next time, I'm gonna shake his hand, even if they tell me I can't because I don't think he'll mind.
So after that, we went down stairs to get a spot for the meet and greet. When we got there A Fine Frenzy was playing, which I really didn't care about, I just wanted to see the Q&A with Paul and Ian. It took Ian forever to get there, so this one dude was trying to entertain the crowd by giving away merch to people who answered trivia questions correctly and ask the fans what questions he should ask during the Q&A. They also gave away bags, but of course, they ran out even though they said everyone would get one, liars. Anyways, while we were waiting, we kept getting updates on Ian and we got a nice surprise that he was on his way in the helicopter and that Nina was with him. So finally after traveling for hours, they started the Q&A somewhere between 7:45 and 8:30, but it was only about 20 minutes long. To wrap this up, there were a lot of annoying, screaming girls (some of whom cried after meeting Paul), the three from the cast seemed very nice, especially Paul because I actually talked to him, and I hope they do this again sometime, because now I'm prepared. Paley Fest, here I come.
From the top the to bottom: Paul, Nina, and Ian after the Q&A; the signed posters; the display at the front of the store